Envision Equity Special Edition: Reaching & Teaching Our Boys

December 24, 2016 JCPSDEP 0 Comments

We hope you enjoy this special edition, "Reaching & Teaching Our Boys," of ourEnvision Equity newsletter! Remember that Envision Equity is also your newsletter. We hope that you will submit articles that celebrate and demonstrate diversity and inclusion. As a reader, you will have access to photos from events that embody the purpose of this newsletter. Please feel free to peruse our Flickr account, which is posted under the cover page. 
We hope you enjoy, share, and contribute to the newsletter. Lastly, remember to envision equity.

Click here to view!


Take What You Can Tote 2016

December 12, 2016 JCPSDEP 0 Comments

Families from Zones of Hope neighborhoods (California, Newburg, and Shawnee) received early Christmas gifts at the "Take what you can Tote" drive held Saturday at the Clothing Assistance Program (CAP).
Over 800 families were served during this annual event. 
Check out some of the photos below or visit our flickr page here.
Delquan Dorsey, gives instruction to families receiving clothing during Take What You Can Tote.

A volunteer gathers coats for families.

Community members wait in line at Take What You Can Tote 2016.

Sylena Fishback, Dr. John Marshall, and Dr. Lisa Herring pose for photos.

Dr. Donna Hargens speaks with an LMPD officer during Take What You Can Tote.

Students from Southern High School provided music during Take What You Can Tote 2016.


Upcoming Event: Flash Dads, December 14, 2016

December 09, 2016 JCPSDEP 0 Comments


JCPS Educators Attend Teach to Lead Conference

December 09, 2016 JCPSDEP 0 Comments

Teach to Lead is an initiative that collaborates with National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, ASCD and the U.S. Department of Education. The program’s mission is to advance student outcomes by expanding opportunities for teacher leadership.  Teach to Lead hosts regional Teacher Leadership Summits to help spotlight groundbreaking, teacher-led work that is happening in states, districts, and schools across the country.  The summit allows participants to share ideas, identify common challenges, network and identify promising ideas for follow-up support through future engagement events. December 2 - 4, 2016, in Chicago, Illinois, Teach to Lead held its Inclusion, Equity, and Opportunity Teacher Leadership Summit.  Kentucky was well represented with four teams two of which were from JCPS.  The Diversity, Equity, and Poverty (DEP) Department, was invited to join.  Their team project was the “Literacy &” Programs.  The five team members were: Vanessa Posey, Chrystal Hawkins, Dr. Krista Drescher-Burke, Jason Baragary and Venita Burnett.  “Literacy &” is a high-quality program designed to develop and improve literacy skills for students. The programs provide students with opportunities to enhance their literacy skills while engaging them in character-building opportunities.


Chancey Elementary School PLC Rounds

December 08, 2016 JCPSDEP 0 Comments

JCPS administrators and community members visited Chancey Elementary School on December 6 for a tour of the school and to observe 3rd Grade teachers during their Professional Learning Community (PLC) Meeting. Check out some of the photos below.