Males of Color Celebration
The third annual Males of Color celebration was a resounding success. Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) (@jcpsky) recognized more than 250 senior males of color at the Memorial Auditorium. It was truly a sight to behold.
Charles Davis (@ccdavisjr) was the host. He made a point to not only call each student's name but to also share the young man's goal and the college he will attend. These young men will be attending colleges throughout nation. Some are staying here in Louisville while others are headed to Ivy League schools and/or the military.
A brief history of the celebration—this celebration was birthed from the My Brother's Keeper Initiative under the Obama administration. JCPS (@Jcpsky) signed the resolution, which states that we will do more for our boys of color. The resolution calls for continual efforts to support and celebrate boys of color. Superintendent Donna Hargens (@jcpssuper) quickly and unapologetically signed the resolution; hence, three years later we are recognizing our young boys for this milestone.
Collectively, this group of scholars has earned more than $2 million in scholarships and is set to serve in every branch of the military. Their ambitions range from becoming President to owning companies. They are truly a cohort of champions who will make their families and teachers proud.
The Diversity, Equity, and Poverty Programs Department call this event a “celebration” for a reason. We see that it is only fitting that the parents and families come and cheer on their sons in great fashion. The claps, tears, screams, and pictures were welcomed. Why? Because this part of the narrative for our boys of color seems to be muted too often. The negative images and statistics of our boys seem to overcrowd the good news. We know that there are many young men of color contributing to the greater good—and that deserves every round of applause, cheer, and hooray we can give.
-John D. Marshall, Ed.D.
Chief Equity Officer