Envision Equity - Our Girls: Resiliency and Resource Edition

February 28, 2017 JCPSDEP 0 Comments

We hope you enjoy this special edition of our Envision Equity newsletter recognizing the many girls in Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) and throughout the nation who are thriving. Remember that Envision Equity is also your newsletter. We hope that you will submit articles that celebrate and demonstrate diversity and inclusion. As a reader, you will have access to photos from events that embody the purpose of this newsletter. Please feel free to peruse our Flickr account, which is posted under the cover page. 
We hope you enjoy, share, and contribute to the newsletter. Lastly, remember to envision equity.


2017 “Literacy &” Initiative

February 28, 2017 JCPSDEP 0 Comments

Our “Literacy &” initiative combines a selected enrichment/physical activity with literature. Going into our third year offering these programs, it's important to note that their success is due to the tremendous support we receive from the community. 

We are firm believers that learning never stops. During Spring Break, the Diversity, Equity, and Poverty Programs Department will provide five 1-week-long camps that are guaranteed to be fun and complement what students have learned this year. Participating students will enjoy engaging in camp programs that are high-energy, responsive, full of dialog, and challenging. 

The Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) “Literacy &” programs will be open for learning and laughs. Enroll your child in a program closest to you. 

For more information, contact Veronda Hawkins at 485-3631 or Vanessa Posey at vanessa.posey@jefferson.kyschools.us.


February 2017- JCPS Diversity, Equity, and Poverty Department Battery of Programs

February 15, 2017 JCPSDEP 0 Comments


Envision Equity February 2017 Edition

February 14, 2017 JCPSDEP 0 Comments


We hope you enjoy the 21st edition of our Envision Equity newsletter highlighting the work of the community and faith-based organizations in our city. Remember that Envision Equity is also your newsletter. We hope that you will submit articles that celebrate and demonstrate diversity and inclusion. As a reader, you will have access to photos from events that embody the purpose of this newsletter. Please feel free to peruse our Flickr account, which is posted under the cover page. We hope you enjoy, share, and contribute to the newsletter. Lastly, remember to envision equity.