School Based Decision Making Council Parent Member: Marian R. Vasser
School Based Decision Making Council Parent Member: Marian R. Vasser
By Marian R. Vasser
My name is Marian R. Vasser and I currently serve
as the Director of Diversity Education and Inclusive Excellence at the
University of Louisville, where I have been employed for over 24 years.
My personal and professional passions include working to build climates that
are more inclusive and equitable for all. In addition to being engaged in
this critical work at UofL and throughout the community, I also get to blend it
with another passion of mine, which is being a mom. I am the proud mother
of three talented, intelligent, and handsome young men. My oldest son
(Trey), who was also a JCPS student, is now 23 and working at General Electric.
My 14 year-old twins (Tavon and Tobias) are currently 8th graders at
Noe Middle School. I am very active in my children’s education and try to
serve in ways that not only increase their chances of success, but the success
other children as well.
When my oldest son was in school, I had several
unpleasant experiences as a result of inequitable practices. I recall
being very frustrated far too often and deciding something had to change.
Many of the teachers I encountered were simply following policies and
procedures, while totally unaware of how certain students (including my son)
were being ushered directly into the school-to prison pipeline as a
result. The more engaged I became, the
more I learned about policies and procedures that needed to change.
At that time, my schedule was less flexible and I was only able to show up at
the school periodically. Although my son graduated on time, I was
extremely frustrated by this experience and now concerned that I had twins
entering the same system. My oldest son had a really rough time
navigating his educational experience. Fortunately, my twins had a better
experience for several reasons. They became more focused and I was able
to commit more time to getting involved in their school. It made a world
of difference, let me tell you. In addition to being active in PTA, even
serving as president several years, I also became a member of the School Based
Decision Making Council (SBDM).
The SBDM Council is responsible for setting
school policy (consistent with Jefferson County Board of Education [JCBE]
policy) that will provide an environment to enhance student achievement and to
help students meet established academic goals. The SBDM Council has
authority in the following areas:
- Determination of curriculum, including needs assessment, curriculum development, and responsibilities under KRS 158.6453(19);
- Assignment of all instructional and noninstructional staff time;
- Assignment of students to classes and programs within the school;
- Determination of the schedule of the school day and week, subject to the beginning and ending times of the school day and school calendar year as established by the local board;
- Determination of use of school space during the school day related to improving classroom teaching and learning;
- Planning and resolution of issues regarding instructional practices;
- Selection and implementation of discipline and classroom management techniques as a part of a comprehensive school safety plan, including responsibilities of the student, parent, teacher, counselor, and principal;
- Selection of extracurricular programs and determination of policies relating to student participation based on academic qualifications and attendance requirements, program evaluations, and supuervision;
- Adoption of an emergency plan as required in KRS 158.162;
- Procedures, consistent with local school board policy, for determining alignment with state standards, technology utilization, and program appraisal; and
- Procedures to assist the council with consultation in the selection of personnel by the principal, including but not limited to meetings, timelines, interviews, review of written application, and review of references.
The law requires membership of the SBDM Council
to include PARENTS, teachers, and the principal of the school. Getting
involved, as a parent, means YOU are empowered to contribute to the
decision-making process that directly affects the learning environment. I
remember the first year I served on the council, it was a bit intimidating as I
did not know much about school budgets, policies, or procedures. The
first year, I sat back and tried to learn as much as I could. I remember
feeling like it was a waste of my time originally because it felt as though I
was as an outsider looking in. Once I began to build relationships with
other parents on the council, I realized it was our duty to speak up. It
was not long before I was consistent in asking questions and even challenging
policies and practices that seemed inequitable. One of the things I
constantly reminded myself of was the fact that my position on the council came
with privilege. Many SBDM parents likely have more flexible schedules
than some of the parents that need policies changed the most. With that
in mind, I made it a point to become more involved and ask questions until I
understood fully, even if it meant utilizing the full time allotted to the
meeting. During this process, I also learned more about the role of the
teachers and administrators. Although some of the revelations were
heartbreaking, in terms of how much agency teachers lacked, I felt empowered
that my contribution could affect change positively for children and
teachers. As a parent, we do have a say and we should most definitely
exercise that right.
I have served as an SBDM council member for
approximately 6 years now and I am proud to say I have contributed to many
positive changes at the school where I served. In addition to revising
dress codes to be more inclusive, I have even witnessed positive changes in
leadership as a result of the SBDM. My favorite poet, Maya Angelou, says
“Nothing will work, unless you do.” I encourage those of you who have
schedules permitting to please get involved. The more involved we are,
the better JCPS can be. There are many ways to be involved, so if your
schedule doesn’t permit you to serve on SBDM, stay in touch with your SBDM reps
so your voice can be heard. Hold us accountable! I realize as an
SBDM parent-rep, I am not there only for my children, I am there representing
those voices that often go unheard or unconsidered. The SBDM is a perfect
avenue for challenging policies that perpetuate inequitable disciplinary
actions, lack gender equity, widen educational achievement gaps, etc.
While I realize the lack of diversity on most SBDM councils are the result of
inflexible schedules, I strongly encourage parents who are minorities to
consider serving.
My twins are blessed to be at a wonderful school
that values parent involvement, although I know this can be a challenge in
other environments. When I have ever felt a level of discomfort, I have
always received valuable feedback and advice from Dr. Shawna Stenton, who is
responsible for SBDM councils throughout JCPS. Shawna is extremely
knowledgeable and approachable and has played a major role in the success of my
tenure as an SBDM parent-rep. The experience, for me, has been extremely
rewarding and I am willing to personally mentor any parent wanting to be
involved in this capacity.