2016-17 Parent Involvement Series

October 20, 2016 JCPSDEP 0 Comments

Above, Dr. Toetta Taul facilitates the 2016-16 Parent
Involvement Series
The first Parent Involvement Series was a success. It was held at Rangeland Elementary School, and we had 22 parents attend. The parents were energetic, inquisitive, concerned, and receptive. Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) is dedicated to engaging families and making sure that they have the tools they need to navigate through this massive organization. 
Dr. Taul, an administrator from Moore Traditional School, was poised and ready to give the parents everything they needed. One of the most moving parts of the night was a parent who asked how can she advocate for a child who is not hers. Although she admitted to struggling with understanding all she needed to know in order to help her own child, she saw a need to advocate for another child as well. In addition, a parent asked pointed questions about parent-teacher conferences and how to enroll her child in before- and after-school activities. She received the answer she needed and has already set up a meeting to enroll her child in the enrichment opportunities that will enhance the child's learning.

We must get more parents involved! There's absolutely no way around it. The research clearly shows that if we align, engage, and inform our parents, student outcomes will improve. The Parent Involvement Series seeks to do just that. Please join us for the next topic. You will leave with great information and navigation tools. (Food and childcare are provided).

With the first topic being engagement, Dr. Taul and guest speakers shared personal experiences (some good, some not so good) of parenting and working with teachers/schools. In turn, it appeared to evoke other truth-telling stories from parents. To that point, the discourse was heartfelt. 

In each session, Dr. Taul will base her topic on our well-known First Task Is to Ask sheets. You can see all of the First Task Is to Ask sheets here. Please feel free to use them yourself and with school staff. 

Dr. John D. Marshall
JCPS Chief Equity Officer